Help:Editing Guidelines

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Please review the following editing guidelines before contributing to the Games Fashion Archive Wiki.

Wiki Organization

This wiki is organized into Media pages and Outfit pages. Media pages can be a game, a series, or a franchise. Outfit pages are subpages of Media pages and describe the outfits worn by characters in the enclosing media.

For most Media pages, simply using the title of the game is sufficient. Series and Franchise pages are only necessary in cases where multiple characters and outfits reoccur across multiple games in a series or franchise.

Media pages may sometimes be referred to as Media Product pages to disambiguate them from media such as images and video.

Media Pages

Media pages document a game, series, or franchise. In addition to providing information about the game itself, Media pages also provide an easily browsable listing of the outfits found within. Series and Franchise pages should also include a list linking to game entries in that series or franchise.


Titled the same as the game, series, or franchise that the page is about.

- Nier: Automata
- Trails of Cold Steel (Series)
- The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)

Basic Info

Each media page requires a cover image, a list of supported platforms, a list of genres, and a list of credited character designers (if known). These elements can be quickly added to the page using the PageMediaProductInfoBox template.


A short description of the game being documented. This does not need to be an extensive description, but it should be enough to allow the reader to understand what the game is about.


An optional section to provide additional context about the game's world. This can be useful if the game's fashion is closely influenced by its setting.

== Setting ==
Information about the game's setting here.

Outfit Listing

The remainder of the page can can be organized into any number of sections that list and link to the Outfit subpages contained under the Media page. A fair amount of freedom has been allotted here since different games can opt to present outfits in different ways such as having predefined outfits per character, or allowing player-customizable outfits.

The simplest approach here is to create an Outfits By Character section that simply contains a bulleted list of notable characters in alphabetical order. Each character in the list may either link directly to their outfit if they have only one or act as a heading to a sub-list of each named outfit if they have multiple.

== Outfits By Character ==
* '''Alice'''
** [[/Main_Outfit_(Alice)|Main Outfit]]
** [[/DLC_Outfit_(Alice)|DLC Outfit]]
* '''Bob'''
** [[/Main_Outfit_(Bob)|Main Outfit]]
** [[/DLC_Outfit_(Bob)|DLC Outfit]]
* [[/Charles'_Outfit|Charles]]

In the future, we may introduce templates to create gallery views for characters or outfits on Media pages.


All Media pages should have a category listing at the bottom of the page's wikitext. By default, all Media pages belong to the Games alphabetically category. Game pages should also have category tags corresponding to the platforms that the game is playable on.

__NOCATLINKS__[[Category:Games alphabetically]][[Category:Windows Games]][[Category:Playstation 4 Games]]

For now, it is also desirable to disable the category links at the bottom of each page using the __NOCATLINKS__ tag.

Outfit Pages

Outfit pages document a single outfit. In addition to providing a description and breakdown of the outfit's composition, it also provides a gallery for game art, concept art, and in-game screenshots to use as reference.


The same as the outfit's in-game name if one is present. If an in-game name is not present, then the page name should be of the form "Character_Name's Outfit". Additional descriptors such as if the outfit is a DLC outfit or casual wear are allowed if a character has multiple unnamed outfits. Sequentially lettered page names are also allowed if a character can have multiple alternate outfits of equal relative importance.

- Alice's Outfit
- Alice's Casual Wear
- Bob's Outfit A
- Bob's Outfit B

In certain cases where multiple distinct, but similarly typed outfits are applicable for multiple characters, it may be more helpful to name pages of the form "Outfit_Type (Character_Name)"

- Swimwear (Alice)
- Swimwear (Bob)

Basic Info

The outfit's in-game name, a list of which games it appears in, and a list of credited character designers (if known). This info along with the page's image gallery can be quickly added to the page using the PageOutfitGallery template.

Image Gallery

A gallery of reference images for the outfit. Ideally, the top-most image on the gallery should be a piece of official game art of the outfit as originally worn by the character (if available). The rest of the gallery can be composed of concept art, in-game reference screenshots, and screenshots of individual costume items acquired from Games Fashion Archive's 3D gallery.


A short description of the outfit, who it's worn by, and under what context it is worn in.


An itemized synopsis of the outfit. Use the SynopsisItem template to easily format synopsis items.

The synopsis is important to make it easier to locate the outfit using the wiki search bar.


Quotes referencing the outfit. This can be in-game flavor text, comments made by characters in the game, or excerpts from developer interviews. Use the PageQuote template to easily format entries for this section.


Optional notes about the outfit. This can be observations about certain details about the outfit, or anything else notable about the outfit, its design, or how it was developed.

Concept images or screenshots may be inserted directly into this section instead of the gallery to support the noted points.

Image Files

Images can be quickly uploaded using the 'Drop files here' box in the wiki-text editor. Supported formats include .png, .jpg and .webp image formats.

The preferred format is .webp which is both compressed and supports transparent backgrounds. Krita is a good (free) option for converting images to .webp format. It can be downloaded here:

Uploaded images should be less than 12.5 Megapixels or 3500x3500 in size. Images exceeding this size will create errors when inserted into pages.

Files should roughly conform to the following naming conventions:

Cover Art

boxart_*.ext or coverart_*.ext


Character Art


- character_alice.webp
- character_bob_dlc_outfit.jpg



- screenshot_alice.png
- screenshot_alice_left_side.jpg

Concept Art


- conceptart_of_alice.png
- conceptart_breakdown_of_alice_design.jpg

VGFA Gallery Screenshots


Names are based on the default file name when saving a screenshot from the VGFA gallery. When capturing gallery images, use the default 512x512 pixel capture dimensions.